On the Forefront

The benefits of cannabis continue to be explored and realized. With more consumers sharing success stories, CBD, in particular, is quickly becoming a staple as a medicinal remedy. A naturally occurring cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant, Cannabidiol or CBD is one of over a hundred identified varieties. CBD avoids the high sensation associated with THC.

What is CBD?

CBD is extracted from the flowers and buds of the cannabis plant and is proving itself as a natural and stronger alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. CBD impacts the receptor activity associated with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Naturally produced endocannabinoids bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body’s nervous system and assist in the regulation of appetite, sleep, the immune system and pain response.

Benefits of CBD

CBD can help to reduce inflammation and is widely accepted as effective in treating and managing pain. Current studies are looking into the potential of CBD in helping with conditions such as arthritis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and brain health. The effectiveness of CBD in preventing free radical damage and reducing inflammation protects the existing cells in the brain and further promotes the generation of new ones. This is very good news for patients suffering from seizures and in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Anxiety regulating properties of CBD is showing promise in decreasing blood pressure and supporting better heart health. Safely used to treat anxiety, sleeplessness, PTSD, symptoms related to cancer treatment, and even acne, CBD products are becoming a natural and more widely accepted solution to healthcare and overall well-being.

Keeping up with research, demand and consumer preferences, Coast to Coast Dispensary offers a wide variety of top-quality CBD options. We include over forty CBD tinctures as well as infused topical balms, creams, gels, patches, and bath bombs. Shop our vapes, pre-rolls, and samples from our delicious and convenient array of edibles. From chocolates, candies, mints, and cookies to beverages and capsules, we have something perfect for your tastes and needs. At Coast to Coast Dispensary, we are dedicated to an ongoing mission to improve quality of life.

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